St Clare's College


St Clare's College (Waverley, NSW) constantly strives to be at the forefront of education when it comes to innovation in teaching and learning.


One innovation is enabling Stage 4 students to participate in four major integrated projects across their studies. These term-long projects are incorporated into the curriculum. Each project integrates two or more subjects and involves students working in teams to respond to relevant questions.


St Clare's has also integrated the Maths Pathway platform across Stages 4 and 5 for students who pursue personalised learning, allowing each student to move through the curriculum at their own pace. Meanwhile, implementing an Al-powered onltne learning platform has allowed the college to differentiate the work students complete outside of their English and Science classes.


All Year 7 and 8 students are equipped with a Grok Learning account, exposing them to the world of coding. The NCSS Challenge has also been integrated into the college's Stage 4 and 5 Mathematics curriculum and all of its crosscurricular projects in Stage 4.


By launchlng an iSTEM Stage 5 elective course, St Clare's provides students with the ability to build and code their own robot to simulate an autonomous vehicle, as well as design and build solar-powered cars. 


Company Name:

St Clare's College


Head Office Address:

41-51 Carrington Road, Waverley NSW 2024


Telephone No.:

02 8305 7100


[email protected]



